The 2019 World Mission Month Schools Resources are inspired by Pope Francis' call for an Extraordinary Missionary Month this October, which will be a worldwide occasion of prayer, sharing stories of mission, formation and charity.
Pope Francis has chosen the theme:
'Baptised and Sent: The Church of Christ
on Mission in the World'.
The Extraordinary Missionary Month is an invitation for all to join in and do something extraordinary for mission.
This year, students across Australia are invited to take part and learn how the Church in Ghana is taking a lead in providing life-saving care to children with a disability and fostering their personal development for a brighter future. Children are then given a chance to do something extraordinary for mission, learn about Ghana and the work of the Church there, and contribute through their fundraising and prayers.
The theme of the appeal comes from Isaiah 41:10, ‘Do not fear, for I am with you”, it reflects the uncertainty that children who are vulnerable face and confirms God’s love and presence in their lives even during difficult or desperate times.
In Ghana there are many children who go to school, hang out with friends and family, and do fun things like sport. Distressingly, some children, especially those with a disability, struggle to have their basic needs met. Essentials such as nutritious food and clean water are lacking, and services such as healthcare, education and even a safe home are not guaranteed.
Thankfully, there are missionaries like Sister Stan Therese Mumuni who are reaching out to provide unconditional love and care to these children when they need it most.
The Nazareth Home for God’s Children in the Diocese of Yendi in Ghana, run by Sister Stan, is a haven where children of all ages are loved and cared for unconditionally. Sister Stan has dedicated the last decade to running this home, which currently cares for 78 boys and girls, providing them with safety, nutritious meals, healthcare and education.
Sister Stan ensures the children receive quality education so that they may one day gain employment and provide for themselves. Her dream is that they will return to their home community and show how the love and support of the Church has empowered them to develop and reach their goals.
The Nazareth Home is one of the many critical initiatives established by the Catholic Church in Ghana to provide a safe home and nourish the lives of the country’s most vulnerable young people. Without the tireless efforts of Sister Stan and other religious and lay missionaries around the country, many children will lose out on all that life has to offer.
However, the survival of these programs, and the children and young people who benefit so greatly from them, relies so much on the generous support school communities like yours can provide today.
Fundraising is an excellent way for students to reach out in support of their Ghanaian brothers and sisters, helping them access a safe home, education, health and love.
The Bishops and Directors of the Diocesan School Administration have asked every Catholic School in Australia to support Catholic Mission’s work with children this year; this is a great opportunity to get children involved in mission and to really make a difference in the world.